WBBA - Wireless BroadBand Access
WBBA stands for Wireless BroadBand Access
Here you will find, what does WBBA stand for in Computer Networking under Computing category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Wireless BroadBand Access? Wireless BroadBand Access can be abbreviated as WBBA What does WBBA stand for? WBBA stands for Wireless BroadBand Access. What does Wireless BroadBand Access mean?Wireless BroadBand Access is an expansion of WBBA
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Alternative definitions of WBBA
- AM-920, FM-97.5, Pittsfield, Illinois
- Western Bird Banding Association
- Wisconsin Breeding Bird Atlas
- Wisconsin Breeding Bird Atlas
- World Beach Basketball Association
- West Bend Baseball Association
- Washington Biotechnology and Biomedical Association
View 9 other definitions of WBBA on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- WBBA West Bend Baseball Association
- WBBB FM-101.3, Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina
- WBBC West Bradenton Baptist Church
- WBBCQ Westbridge Capital Corporation (in bankruptcy)
- WBBD AM-1400, Wheeling, West Virginia
- WBBE Where Bardmoor Bulldogs Excel
- WBBED World Bank Board of Executive Directors
- WBBF AM-950, Rochester, New York
- WBBG Washington Bed and Breakfast Guild
- WBBH TV-20, DT-15, Fort Myers, Florida
- WBBI FM-107.5, Binghamton, New York
- WBBJ TV-7, Jackson, Tennessee
- WBBK AM-1260, FM-93.1, Blakely, Georgia
- WBBL AM-1340, Grand Rapids, Michigan
- WBBM TV-2, AM-780, Chicago, Illinois
- WBBN FM-95.9, Laurel/ Hattiesburg, Mississippi
- WBBO World Black Belt Organization
- WBBQ FM-104.3, Augusta, Georgia
- WBBR AM-1130, New York City, New York
- WBBS FM-104.7, Fulton/ Syracuse, New York